
DRmare Spotify Music Converter

Best music converter for Spotify to download and convert Spotify music

  • Download Spotify song, etc. without a Spotify Premium account
  • Convert Spotify to MP3, WAV, FLAC, AAC, M4A and M4B
  • Play Spotify music anywhere and anytime offline
  • Run at a faster speed without touching the audio quality

How to Use Spotify Premium BIN in 2024

As a leading and popular music streaming service, Spotify offers many intelligent and convenient music features. However, some features are only available for Spotify Premium, such as offline playback, ad-skipping and so on. Besides, Spotify usually launches new functions that are also for premium plans, like Spotify Enhance and Spotify Daylist.

Do you want to purchase a Spotify Premium plan to enjoy more music features? Would you like to get a Spotify Premium subscription without money? There is a free method called Spotify BIN which can assist you in getting free Spotify Premium. Come and read this article, you will have a deep understanding of how to use Spotify with/without Premium.

spotify bin

Part 1. What Is BIN Spotify

BIN's full name is Bank Identification Number. Look at your credit card, you can see your card number. BIN is the first four or six numbers of your card number. It is the unique identification feature of a card issuer. Spotify BIN or BIN Spotify means that you can generate an entire credit card number via a BIN and the generated card number can be used to get a Spotify Premium subscription freely.

spotify bin in credit card

You are able to use your own credit card to fill in the payment information when you choose a Premium plan. However, if your card is unavailable, you can find a BIN to acquire a usable card number.

Part 2. How to Use BIN for Spotify Premium

You might understand that Spotify BIN is a good way for you. So, how to use BIN Spotify to have a Premium plan without paying money? In this part, you will have detailed instructions.

Get a BIN and Generate Card Numbers

Step 1. Find a BIN for Spotify and go to a Credit Card Generator website like to get a specific card number. If you do not have a usable BIN, we suggest you move to Part 4 to choose one that we have collected.

Step 2. When you open the website, you can fill in the BIN in the first button. Then, click the 'Generate' option to acquire many collected results.

generate spotify bin

Step 3. In the result section, there are many credit card numbers for you. However, they are not all available. Therefore, you have to find and check which one is still can be used.

spotify bins

Check Card Numbers

Step 1. In order to make sure the collected card number is live, you should go to a CC Checker website, like, to confirm them. First, please hit on the 'Card Checker' option.

check live credit card

Step 2. Then choose and click a link in the 'About' list to enter a new page.

card checker link

Step 3. Copy and paste the collected card number which you get in Step 3 of the 'Get a BIN and Generate Card Numbers' section. Tap 'START' to check it. We cannot promise that which one can be used forever because of variable factors. Therefore, before you need to use a card number, you have to check them by yourself.

check card number generated bin from spotify

Step 4. Scroll down the interface, you will see the result. There are Live, Die and Unknown sections. Live means you can use the number which you checked. Die refers to an unavailable number. The result of the Unknown bar means that the tool cannot identify if this card number is usable but you can use it to have a try.

get results for using spotify premium

Connect VPN

Step 1. After you find a collected card number that you are able to apply, you should pay attention to its country. On the main page of, please click the 'BIN checker' button.

spotify bin checker

Step 2. Then, fill in the available number and tap 'Check' to get a result. You will see the country of the card.

spotify bin country

Step 3. Use a VPN to change your network location. The location which you need to choose must be the same as the credit card.

Get Spotify Premium Freely

Open your Spotify and choose a Premium plan. When you want to get a Premium subscription, you should fill in some detailed information first. In the payment information step, please choose 'Credit or debit card' as your payment method. Then, you are able to apply the available credit number and acquire a free Spotify Premium.

choose payment method to use spotify bin

Part 3. How to Use Spotify without Premium

Although Spotify Premium BIN offers a free way for you to become a Premium, it will waste you lots of time to find a working BIN and an entire credit number. In addition, sometimes VPN is not really stable. All in all, you might enjoy Spotify music in a worse experience. Therefore, we recommend you use the DRmare Spotify Music Converter to play Spotify audio without premium.

As a practical converter, DRmare Spotify Music Converter can help you download and convert Spotify music to your computer. Multiple output formats, MP3, FLAC, AAC, WAV, M4A and M4B, are provided to choose. You can convert resources in bulk with 5X speed. What is more, when you convert and save the Spotify resources, you are able to play and edit them follow your mind. Even if you transfer them to other platforms or devices, there are not any limitations.

DRmare Spotify Music Converter

drmare spotify music converter

Step 1. Click the 'Download' button above. Install it and Spotify on your computer. Then, open the converter and log in to your account.

drmare spotify converter

Step 2. Find the menu icon on the top right corner and tap it. Click 'Preferences' > 'Convert' to set the output settings. You are allowed to choose format, channel, sample rate and bit rate here. Finally, do not forget to click the 'OK' button.

set spotify output settings

Step 3. Choose the Spotify resources that you need to save to your local files. Drag and drop them to the converter. Or you can copy and paste their links to the search bar and hit '+'. Then, tap the 'Convert' option to run the conversion process.

load spotify audio

Step 4. You will find the converted music by clicking the 'Converted' or the 'Output' logo. When you find those downloads on your computer, it means that you can use them whatever you want to do.

convert spotify resources without spotify bins

Part 4. Available Spotify BINs [Latest]

Here are some working BINs Spotify for you. We provide them when it is available. If you find no one can be used, you are better to generate a new one by yourself or use the DRmare Spotify Music Converter to enjoy free Spotify music.

BIN Spotify 2023 IP Live
525437 USA
536783 Mexico
541590 Canada
521309 Ecuador
512754 Turkey
525436 USA

Part 5. Summary

Spotify BIN is a free method to become Spotify Premium but you need to collect an entire usable credit card number. It is not easy to acquire quickly. However, using DRmare Spotify Music Converter also can help you enjoy Spotify audio without Premium. This converter assists you in playing offline forever and editing the converted resources as you wish. It also does not use a VPN to change your location. Just download and install it to have a try.

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